Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat

On Friday I participated in my very first Trunk or Treat. Before the actual Trunk or Treating there were games inside. There were so very many people who showed up that I have never seen at church before, which is ok, I was just surprised by the number. I went to Sam's and bought 2 large bags of candy and could have easily gotten rid of it all, but I saved some for myself. I decorated my trunk with just a few items that I had, my plan is to make it look better next year. Luckily it wasn't too cold out and all were able to have a good time. So here is a picture of my sparsely decorated trunk.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mmm, mmm, mmm

So this past week I decided to throw some rice in my rice cooker so I could have a bowl of buttered rice with salt and pepper for lunch. On my way home from work that afternoon I was thinking about what I would have for dinner, not wanting to have buttered rice again. So you need to know that I love love love Chinese food. I decided that I would make my first attempt at ham fried rice by using the leftover rice from earlier in the day. So I got online and found a recipe for which I had the majority of the ingredients and got to cooking. It turned out so wonderfully! I was rather impressed with the results and have decide that I am definitely going to be making it again. I loooove ham fried rice!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear Flint,
I realize that crime is a problem. But as a law abiding citizen I would love to be able to sleep without being awakened by the strobe lights of the varied city vehicles flashing through my bedroom window. I do realize that it is important to put out house fires and inspect the shooting at the neighbors house and other such things. But realize this criminals of Flint, it is important that I get some sleep at night so GO AWAY!
A very tired resident

Saturday, October 2, 2010


My niece and nephew, Chelsea and Jaxson, came over on Friday for a sleepover. My house is not an exciting place for young children, but I was able to keep them entertained by watching a couple of movies. Here they are relaxing and enjoying the movies.

I enjoyed having Chelsea and Jaxson over and am feeling rather loved because they wanted to come over. We had pizza for dinner and they were most excited about the ice cream sandwiches for dessert and the popcorn during the second movie. I was anticipating having little bodies in bed with me, but thankfully they slept the night through on the couches in the living room. The one downside is that they are early risers and I am not. 7:30 came to early for me. I loved having Chelsea and Jaxson over and look forward to the next time they spend the night.