I spent this last week babysitting for a 12, 9, 6, and 3 year old while their parents were out of the country. I am exhausted. The idea of only having one child is becoming appealing. Ok, so I hope to have more than one kid but man is it going to be a lot of work which I always knew, but I have gotten a preview of what is to come. They were good kids and well behaved overall, but I could tell that their mother does almost everything around the house. It was rather entertaining to see the kids faces when I made them clean up after themselves. The 3 year old is the only girl and she is without a doubt very spoiled. When the parents came home they asked me if I still want children. Yes, I do, and I look forward to the day when the Lord will bless me with my own children. Whoever said motherhood isn't a real job should give it a try. So thanks to all the mothers out there and all that they do.