Last week I had the opportunity to attend girls camp as the assistant level leader for the second year girls. This experience was so much better then when I went with my old ward in Flint. This years camp theme was 'Stand in Holy Places and be not Moved' and then the 2nd year girls "holy place" was the Sacred Grove and they chose their color to be gold. It was rather difficult to find gold decorations for the cabin. The level leader and I decided to decorate the cabin with trees where the leaves were made out of green balloons and then hang gold stars from the ceiling, I personally think that it turned out rather cute. I decided to really get into the spirit of being a leader and made each girl a name tag and little treat handouts for each day.
I also made a treat bag that had a Hug drink in it and some Hersey Kisses with a sign that said "We Love You! XOXOXOXO" There were 13 girls in 2nd year and luckily they all got along fairly well. They pushed 10 of the beds together to make a 'mega' bed and all slept together.
We were suppose to go on a 5 mile hike but because of the weather (there were thunder storms) we only went on a 3 mile hike. We also did some tie-dying, played water games (the girls soaked me), had a dance party, participated in some fun crafts, and of course completed the required certifications. Here they have secret sisters at camp for the girls and the leaders. I brought a piece of candy for my secret sister and then a bigger gift for the last day. I did not realize how serious they take secret sister around here, the gifts that I got from my secret sister were so much better then what I had to give. So if I am asked back next year I will be better prepared and not be such a loser when it comes to being a secret sister. Another tradition that they have here is that on the last night they have sumo wrestling. They put mattresses on the floor, stuff their shirts with pillows, and wrestle. What a fun way to spend the last night a girls camp.
I am thankful that I had the opportunity to go to girls camp and to spend time with some great girls.