Sunday, May 29, 2011

1 is a good number

I spent this last week babysitting for a 12, 9, 6, and 3 year old while their parents were out of the country. I am exhausted. The idea of only having one child is becoming appealing. Ok, so I hope to have more than one kid but man is it going to be a lot of work which I always knew, but I have gotten a preview of what is to come. They were good kids and well behaved overall, but I could tell that their mother does almost everything around the house. It was rather entertaining to see the kids faces when I made them clean up after themselves. The 3 year old is the only girl and she is without a doubt very spoiled. When the parents came home they asked me if I still want children. Yes, I do, and I look forward to the day when the Lord will bless me with my own children. Whoever said motherhood isn't a real job should give it a try. So thanks to all the mothers out there and all that they do. 


kristi said...

The difference will be that most likly you will have them 1 at a time instead of going from 0 kids to 4. That will definitely make it much easier. People always ask me how I can have 4 kids and I always tell them, 1 at a time.

Hannah said...

Very true Kristi... unless I have twins that is. It definitely is a big change going from 0 to 4 kids in one day. I can't complain too much because the pay was good.

Hillary said...

Kristi has a good point. It was what I was thinking. Plus, it's always different with your own kids. It's similar to the "your own classroom" concept you kept complaining about with subbing. The kids just know you and what you expect of them when they are your own. I'm glad the babysitting experience didn't change your mind about having your own kids. What do you say about coming to babysit my kids the last week in June????