Sunday, July 15, 2012

Michigan Visit

I was able to spend 2 1/2 weeks in Michigan house-sitting/taking care of animals and spending time with family. While Charlie and family were out of town I stayed at their home to take care of their animals. During this time I was able to get a lot of books read and to simply relax and not do much. The down side is that it was incredibly hot while I was there, so I pretty much stayed holed up in the one area of the house that had air conditioning. Beside taking care of the goats and rabbit, I was tasked with taking care of and spending time every day with these adorable kittens. So cute!!!
 While in Michigan we also had our Hicks family reunion. I love spending time with family! I was so very excited to be able to see Beth (my best friend and cousin) for a short visit.
The day before I left to go back home to West Virginia I was able to meet up with my other best friend, Jen, for lunch.
 I love these two women so much and grateful to have them as friends. I wish that we lived closer together so that we could spend more time together, and look forward to being able to hang out together again one day.


Beth said...

It was good to see you, too! Sad I didn't get to see Jenni, though. Can you email me the picture of us? Yours is much better than mine.

Hannah said...

I did email it when I did this post, so you should have it.

Jen said...

So I was slightly offended when you had written "best friend, Beth" and was thinking, "What am I???" But then you wrote about your other best friend, me. So I am very happy. My dad and I both enjoyed having you come to Pizza Hut with us. Love it!