Monday, November 30, 2009


For Thanksgiving this year I went to North Las Vegas. I got a ride with Cody and Jen since they were going to visit Cody's family in Nevada anyway and North Las Vegas was only another hour and a half south. So Jen and I went to visit Beth on Wednesday and we both slept over. It was the first time in 3 1/2 years that the three of us were able to be together and fun again as best friends. Jen then went back to be with Cody and I stayed with Beth. I was able to have Thanksgiving with Beth, Brian & Jean, Lisa & Dave, and Grandpa and it was so nice to be able to spend time with family. So I spent my days with Beth and her girls and I had a blast even though Lindsay and Heather woke me up earlier then normal ;) Jen came back down on Saturday and we went and saw New Moon. The theaters there are ridiculously expensive! It cost $7.75 to see the movie at 10:30 am and a large Icee cost $5.75! It is insane I tell you! Anyway, being with my two best friends again was amazingly fun, it was as if no time had passed at all. I wish it was possible to get together more often.

The Three Amigos

Jen strapped the left over popcorn into Lindsay's seat

Me and Grandpa

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Who Knew

So I thought that I would be a lower grade teacher, but I'm not so sure anymore. For the second block of student teaching I have been in 5th grade and I am absolutely loving it. I didn't think that I would like it this much because I wasn't all that excited while teaching 4th grade, but it has been the best! Here are just a few of the reasons I am loving 5th grade: 1) the content is fun 2) good conversations/discussions 3) the books that are read are more fun 4) the kids get my jokes. Anyway, I am just really loving my experience in 5th grade. It hasn't all been wonderful, but that it to be expected. My first few days of solo teaching was frustrating because the kids just would not stop talking after they got back in from lunch, but things have gotten better. I have had to keep a few kids in from recess because of disruption to the class. I also had to talk to two girls because of cheating. But despite all this I am still loving my time with this age group. So as of right now I do want to teach 5th grade come the fall. The Provo City Library had a book sale today and I was able to get 13 used books (most of which are hard cover) for only $6 that are perfect for older grades. December 11 is my last day of school so there are only 12 more school days and then I am done! I know that my first year of teaching will be very busy and stressful but I can hardly wait until I have my own classroom!!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm Just a Bill

I will be using this clip for a lesson tomorrow and I wasn't sure if I could get YouTube at school, so on my blog it went. I remember watching this clip when I was in elementary school and I think that it has a fun tune, but one that can also easily get stuck in your head.