Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Some have called it Snowpocalypse, Snowmagddon, the Storm of the Century, or Snowpalooza. But lets be realistic, it's Michigan, snow happens. I know that other states have been hit harder than Michigan, even states that aren't used to snow at all. Granted it is the biggest storm we have had this season, but it isn't anything we haven't seen before. I spent an hour and a half shoveling my sidewalk and a small part of the driveway. A neighbor came by with his snow blower and helped me finish my driveway. We got about 7-9 inches of snow but it was very windy so we had huge snow drifts.The picture is kind of dark but this is what I found when I opened my door this afternoon. I literally had to shovel my way out of my house. Luckily I keep my snow shovel on the porch right outside the door.It is safe to say that my car was snowed in. The view from the back, that is how high the snow was in my entire driveway. The snow drifts in the front of the house weren't quite as high but now you might better understand why it took me so long to shovel the snow. So after I got done shoveling I came in and had a cup of hot chocolate and a warm shower.